Episode #3


Sticky haze rises over the bay, a fire rages in the woods, and then the eco rescue mission goes horribly wrong to boot. Emmi is left with nothing but a few charred parts of the Surfbots! Is this the end of the Amazing Surfbots Eco Rescue Team, or is there more to these mysterious sparks on the alien metal of Curly, Mick and Duke?

Action, laughs, and teamwork – with Emmi and the Surfbots, sustainability becomes a wild ride on an adventure wave! Spiced up with puzzle fun and extra pages about air pollution!

Enjoy this first little teaser:

Episode #3 will also be available in german!

Episode #2

Plastic Pirates

Thousands of plastic figures are floating in the bay — and the Surfbots Eco Rescue Team is being blamed for this catastrophe.
This is a double challenge for the Surfbots! Will they be able to rid nature of the plastic menace AND catch the real environmental crooks?

Adventure, fun and captivating illustrations with lots of surfing spirit. Alien Robots, transformable into special-powered surfboards, giving their all to rescue marine life! On top of that interesting and important facts about plastic pollution and a riddle page make it a great gift for the Grommie in your family. Enjoy peoples. - Barton Lynch, dad and former Surfing World Champion

Hardcover: 978-989-53358-2-0
Paperback: 978-989-35358-1-3
eBook: 978-989-35358-0-6

Also available in german!

Episode #1

Catastrophic Current

Emergency at the inflatable boat paddling competition as an ocean current swirls up the competitors' field!
For the Amazing Surfbots Eco Rescue Team, a thrilling mission begins. But even with their superpowers, their fight against the forces of nature is tougher than expected...

Action-packed adventure also for girls, fantastic pictures, easy-to-read texts. Makes not only first-time readers absolutely want more! - Julia Rombolotto, mother of four and former professional model.

The first adventure in what will no doubt become a popular series. It's mentally exhilarating, visually stimulating and subtly educational. Exciting for reluctant readers. - Andrew Norton, dad and SurferDad blogger.

Hardcover: 978-989-53783-9-5
Paperback: 978-989-53783-8-8
eBook: 978-989-53783-7-1

Also available in german!